

选择上大学是一个重大的决定. 现在你要决定在哪里完成你的学位. 国外博彩app拥有独特的优势, 包括小班, 个人关注, 耶稣会注重通过服务来学习, and a centralized location in the incomparable city of 西雅图. We are thrilled you are thinking of joining the 国外博彩app community.

With the largest transfer student population of any private university in Washington State, 国外博彩app is an excellent option for completing your degree and preparing for postgraduate success. 


  • 简化的信用转移流程
  • 学术和职业咨询
  • 一个独特的学院项目 that provides space on campus designed to meet the needs of commuters

下面你会发现如何应用所有的螺母和螺栓, 包括入学要求, 政策, 时间轴, and deadlines -- all the details you need to start your transfer to 西雅图 U.


To ensure a seamless transfer, we recommend you start planning early and utilize these helpful tools.


国外博彩app is committed to a thorough and holistic review of applicants for admission. 因为需要提前站位, college transcripts must first be evaluated by the Registrar's office, after which they are reviewed by an appropriate academic dean and members of the admissions staff.


Most transfers will receive an admissions decision 6 weeks following an acknowledgment that their applications are complete.

Heavily impacted programs, such as Diagnostic Ultrasound or Nursing, review applicants as a cohort. 因此,它们将以不同的通知日期运行. 这里是一个完整的列表 最后期限. 学生 may also consult with the 招生办公室 directly for more information.

转会费可能会被要求提交额外的信息, 比如最近的大学成绩, or an explanation of activities since taking a hiatus from college coursework. These requests are opportunities for continued admissions consideration.

优秀奖学金 awards are included in a student's acceptance packet and are available for Fall, 冬季和春季宿舍.


Fall quarter transfer applicants are required to hold their acceptance with a deposit by May 1. Transfer students must submit confirmation deposits within 30 days from their decision notification. 冬天, Spring and 夏天 quarter applicants are required to confirm enrollment within 30 days of their letter of acceptance, 但不需要交保兑保证金.


提供认可的学生, globally-focused semesters abroad designed to help students achieve a more rewarding first year of college. Verto教育 curriculum is based on the principles of experiential education to help students gain life experience and academic success as they explore the globe.

Verto教育 partners with 国外博彩app to offer a credit-bearing semester abroad in one of many transformative destinations so that you can graduate on your four-year 时间轴. 在Verto的第一学期或第一年, 你将成为全球领导者, 获得信心, 当你到达校园时,要产生影响.








传输等效工具教程 - Learn more about transfer credit equivalencies from a 转移入学s Counselor.

转移计划工作表教程 - 查看SU提供的转学计划资源.