Center For Jesuit Education


We are glad you found the Center for Jesuit Education (CJE). 
The CJE serves as a resource to you, offering programs and services that foster an understanding of the Jesuit and Catholic mission of 西雅图 University.  Please connect with us in any of the following ways: 

  • Participate in our programs.  
    Arrupe Seminar, Soul Sessions, Women in Jesuit Mission,
    the Ignatian Silent Retreat, Teaching in the Jesuit Tradition and Colleagues in Jesuit Education (listed in the left column) are great opportunities to engage with colleagues about our Jesuit Catholic tradition. 
  • Receive pastoral support or spiritual accompaniment.  
    Each of us is trained as a pastoral listener or spiritual director,
    ready to accompany you as you discern professional or personal challenges. Please reach out to: 
    Andrea Fontana, or Jen Tilghman-Havens
    to set up a time to talk. 
  • Utilize the resources here or in our lending library (Loyola 209) in your teaching or work with staff and students. 
    Read our recent newsletters or access a recent Soul Sessions 冥想. 
  • Practice the tenets of Ignatian Spirituality and Justice,
    via our “Ignatian Contemplatives in Action and Actions for Justice resources”. 
  • 应用 for an Endowed Mission Fund grant (EMF) to foster your professional development around SU’s Jesuit Catholic mission. 

If you have any questions, we welcome you to contact us at 
Center for Jesuit Education or 296-6133.
Thank you for your commitment to our mission to empower leaders for a just and humane world in the Jesuit tradition.

  • CJE团队

View the latest Soul Session offering


 See the Current CJE Newsletter:

Ignatian Reflections for our Times


取, 主, and receive all my liberty, 我的记忆, my understanding and my entire will, All I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, 主, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. 给 me only your love and your grace. That is enough for me.

Suscipe Prayer St. 伊格内修斯 of Loyola