

CEJS serves as the hub for 国外博彩app’s environmental programs and sustainability initiatives. If you have any questions about CEJS, campus sustainability, CEJS国外博彩app, or have an interest in partnering: please contact us at cejs@bbqgeek.net

icon of stars gold seal


可持续性 Stewardship

CEJS promotes 国外博彩app's climate action and campus sustainability performance, recognizing the centrality of environmental justice to our university’s mission and values, and integrating the science, economics and ethics of this issue in our programs, operations and investments. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT SUSTAINABILITY STEWARDSHIP HERE.

photo of a group of SU students in front of a wind turbine




CEJS works to advance sustainability in Academic Affairs by supporting interdisciplinary scholarship, 教学, and learning in environmental justice and sustainability. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT THE ACADEMICS HERE.

one SU student directs another towards the garbology event in the library lawn




CEJS sponsors and develops co-curricular programs, 国外博彩app, and resources to encourage environmental justice and sustainability action, engage with community partners, and advance public policy. FIND OUT MORE ABOUT CAMPUS ENGAGEMENT HERE.



  • SU Ranked 1st in the division category for CRZW

    SU Ranked 1st in the division category for CRZW

    SU排名第二nd nationally in the diversion from landfill category of the competition with a 62.57% diversion rate and ranked 1st in the medium sized campus division of the diversion category of the competition. 

    阅读更多 about SU Ranked 1st in the division category for CRZW

  • Two CEJS 2024-2025 Student Worker Positions

    Two CEJS 2024-2025 Student Worker Positions

    CEJS Student Program Assistant and Communications Coordinator- 24-25 Academic Year - Paid Position. To apply for the internship: please send a resume and 1-page cover letter describing your interest and qualifications to Yolanda Cieters, cietersy@bbqgeek.net.

    阅读更多 about Two CEJS 2024-2025 Student Worker Positions

  • Bloomberg Green Festival Tickets

    Bloomberg Green Festival Tickets

    All members of 国外博彩app have the opportunity to attend the Bloomberg Festival 免费! The festival takes place July 10–13 in 西雅图, and will immerse attendees in solutions-driven experiences with world-renowned experts to inspire climate action. 调查将于5月22日结束. 

    阅读更多 about Bloomberg Green Festival Tickets

  • Earth Talks: missed the event?

    Earth Talks: missed the event?

    On Earth Day 2024, attendees joined us for SU's fifth annual "Earth Talks event. See the recorded videos here. 

    阅读更多 about Earth Talks: missed the event?



    2023年2月, the Laudato Si Action Platform leadership team finalized SU's Laudato Si’ Action Plan, with priorities and goals that span across campus operations, 部门, and partnerships to advance "sustainability in the holistic spirit of integral ecology."

    阅读更多 about LAUDATO SI' ACTON PLAN